Submit a Proposal

Submit a Research Proposal

Welcome to the PAC³ Scientific Review Committee research proposal process!

The process described in the links below provides prospective investigators a streamlined understanding of the process from inception of an idea through publication of a research project. By clicking on a button, the investigator can learn more about each step of the process. In addition, below each step, there are links to forms and agreements that either support the proposal process or require completion by the principal investigator along the course of submitting a proposal to the Scientific Review Committee and Data Coordinating Center.

Any member from a PAC³ center in good standing (contracts and dues are current) that is submitting data to the registry within the last 6 months may submit a research proposal. The home institution of the principal investigator does not have to have had an audit. Junior faculty, trainees, and Advanced Practiced Providers are especially encouraged to submit proposals. Investigator teams must represent the PAC³ membership broadly and at least 3 centers must be represented for each project. A principal investigator may not submit a proposal if they are the principal investigator of another project that has not yet submitted a manuscript.

If there are questions regarding the research proposal process or a member would like advice or mentorship about becoming an investigator, please feel free to contact any of us.

Craig Schott
PAC³ Program Coordinator

Ronn Tanel
Co-Chair, Scientific Review Committee

Chitra Ravishankar
Co-Chair, Scientific Review Committee

Dana Gal
Co-Chair, Scientific Review Committee